North Central Chapter Health Physics Society

The Affiliate Coordinator is appointed by the President under Article IX, Section 1 of the Bylaws and serves the Chapter until the President appoints a replacement. Appointment may occur at any time during the President's term of office.

Duties: Solicit suitable organizations to apply for Affiliate Membership in the Chapter, receive and process applications, prepare the Affiliate Member section of the Chapter Handbook, solicit and coordinate Affiliate Member sponsorship of Chapter Meetings, and serve as a consistent point of contact for Affiliate Members and those organizations seeking information on Affiliate Membership.

March: Approximately 60 days prior to Spring Meeting contact prospective Affiliate Members to solicit sponsorship of the Spring Meeting. Contact President-Elect and/or Meeting host to determine if any contact with Affiliate Members or non member vendors has been made.

April: Approximately 30 days prior to Spring Meeting provide President-Elect and/or Meeting host with list of Affiliate Members who will sponsor the Spring Meeting. Arrange for Affiliate Members logistical requirements with Meeting host. Forward exhibition fees to Secretary/Treasurer.

Spring Executive Council Meeting: Provide President with Spring Affiliate Member Report. Provide President with list of Affiliate Members sponsoring the Meeting and names of the Affiliate Member representatives who will attend the meeting.

May: Prepare Affiliate Member solicitation letters, review Membership Application Forms, complete solicitation mailing.

June - July: Receive Affiliate Member Applications Forms, review form for completeness, contact applicant to obtain any deficiencies on the applications, forward forms and membership fees to Secretary/Treasurer, maintain a paper and electronic database of Affiliate Member applicants.

July - August: Prepare the Affiliate Member section of the Chapter Handbook according to the format and time requirements established by the Secretary/Treasurer. Forward the Affiliate Member section to the Secretary/Treasurer.

August: Approximately 60 days prior to Fall Meeting contact prospective Affiliate Members to solicit sponsorship of the Fall Meeting. Contact President-Elect and/or Meeting host to determine if any contact with Affiliate Members or non member vendors has been made.

September: Approximately 30 days prior to Fall Meeting provide President-Elect and/or Meeting host with list of Affiliate Members who will sponsor the Fall Meeting. Arrange for Affiliate Members logistical requirements with Meeting host. Forward exhibition fees to Secretary/Treasurer.

Fall Executive Council Meeting: Provide President with Fall Affiliate Member Report. Provide President with list of Affiliate Members sponsoring the Meeting and names of the Affiliate Member representatives who will attend the meeting.

General: Provide additions/corrections of the Affiliate Member section of the Chapter Handbook to the Secretary/Treasurer and to the Chapter Newsletter Editor as necessary.

Reports: Reports to the President and Executive Council include the number of Affiliate Members, a current list of Affiliate Members, and recommendations on approval of applications for Affiliate Membership received since the last Executive Council Meeting. A written copy of the report should be provided to the Secretary/Treasurer prior to the Executive Council Meeting. The report should also include any recommendations to the Executive Council pertinent to Affiliate Membership in the Chapter.

(December 2000)